mercredi 16 octobre 2013

China, an enormous potential Market


    China market is more than ever a space of growth. The current crisis reveals an irresistible shift(tipping) of the balance of power. Three attributes of the power - business(trade), finance and technique - Which always characterized the economic empires, China possesses perfectly the first one, partially the second and still insufficiently the last one. It is there that companies fran? Ease have one r? The important to be played in the development of China. China tries to rise in range technologically. She(it) already raises itself on the second row(rank) for the number of researchers a head of inhabitants and distinguishes itself by the scale of her(its) spending(expenses) in the search(research) the growth of which is from a great distance(by very far) the most first to the world. 

       China, it is:
A GDP(GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT) upper to that of France since 2001,
A PBI which exceeded(overtook) that of Japan in 2010, 2nd world GDP(GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT) 3rd importer of the properties(goods) and 1st exporter to the world, the 8th importer and the 9th exporter of services(departments) to the world, the 3rd country by the network 1st, foreign size of the investments of telephony, 1st by the number of Internet users, 10th customer of France, 25th destination in the export for France,
An enormous potential.

      From China's investment in the American auto industry has played an important supporting role to play, for example, vapor in General Motors near bankruptcy, the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme by providing funds. michigan automobile industry is also from China Investment benefit.

      China's automotive industry several of the United States important acquisitions and Michigan. For example, China Pacific Century Automotive Systems Co. , Ltd. acquired the common flag, is located in the State, the steering system parts company, and will be the name of the WTO (Nexteer) Automobile Company. Earlier this year, 10,000 from the Group completed the acquisition battery manufacturer A Systems 123, the latter in the Michigan State has about 1,000 employees.


Focus on Retail for Cars in China